A.P. Courses

Advanced Placement (AP) courses are advanced classes offered in high school that count towards graduation. Though these classes tend to be harder, students can earn college credit by taking the AP exam at the end of the course.

AP courses are a great way to save money because students only pay a small exam fee instead of paying tuition for the college credits they earn. Also, AP courses give students a jumpstart on general college credits, so they can pursue upper-level courses sooner, earn a double major, or study abroad.

Students in Ohio who score at least a '3' on an AP exam are guaranteed college credit at any Ohio public institution of higher education. The exact number of credits and how those credits will apply towards a degree vary from school to school, but they usually count towards the general education curriculum requirements.

As of 2021, the fee for each AP course exam is $95. Students who need assistance paying for exams should check their eligibility for a fee-reduced exam or a fee waiver by talking to their guidance counselor.

Millersport Jr/Sr High School currently offers 11 Advanced Placement courses.

  • AP Language & Composition
  •  AP Literature & Composition
  • AP Biology 
  • AP Calculus
  • AP Physics
  • AP US History
  • AP European History
  • AP Studio Art (Drawing)
  • AP Studio Art (2D)
  • AP Computer Science Principles
  • AP Computer Science JAVA 
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